Welcome to the International Celtic Congress
The Celtic Congress, whose roots go back over a century, promotes the knowledge, use, and appreciation of the languages and cultures of the six Celtic countries. National Branches meet in an International Congress each year in order to help further these aims. The 2020 international meeting had to be cancelled because of the Coronavirus epidemic. In 2021 we met online. We weren't able to meet up in 2022 but we met in Ireland in May this year and had a great time.
Alba - Scotland
Á comharrachadh agus ag adhartachadh cultar is cànainean Ceilteach an là an diugh.
Éire - Ireland
Cultúir Cheilteacha agus teangacha Ceilteacha á gceiliúradh agus á gcur chun cinn sa lá atá inniu ann.
Mannin - Isle of Man
Jannoo ardeailley jeh as cur er nyn doshiaght cultooryn as chengaghyn Celtiagh nish.