
About the Celtic Congress

The Celtic Congress was founded in 1902 in order to promote the knowledge, use, and appreciation of the languages and cultures of the six Celtic countries. National Branches of the Congress meet in an International Congress each year in order to help further these aims.

The Celtic Congress should not be confused with the Celtic League, although the two organizations share many common objectives.

Further information about the individual Branches of the Celtic Congress in Scotland, Brittany, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man, and the contact addresses of the officers of all of the Branches is available.

Aims from Our Constitution

The first three clauses of the Celtic Congress Constitution outline the nature of our organisation. It was amended in 1994.

1. Name
"The Celtic Congress" or its equivalent in each Celtic language.

2. Aims
To perpetuate the cultures, ideals and languages of the Celtic peoples, to protect their heritage, and to maintain intellectual contact and close co-operation among the respective Celtic communities.

3. Methods
a) The holding of an annual International Conference of The Celtic Congress in one of the six Celtic countries, according to an agreed rotation as follows – Breizh (Brittany), Cymru (Wales), Éire (Ireland), Mannin (Isle of Man), Alba (Scotland), Kernow (Cornwall).
b) Such other methods as may prove practical and desirable.

Our Annual Conference

The annual conference is held over a five or six day period. The host nation sets the theme for the lectures and each of the six branches provides a speaker. The lectures are usually in English, but if not, translation is provided. Each of the six branches also brings along a traditional entertainer from their country for informal entertainment and a more formal concert. Excursions and visits also form part of the Conference. For language enthusiasts there is an opportunity to hear and try out the other Celtic languages.

See the Annual Conference page for our next event.